Students in the Cal Teaching Kitchen

The Cal Teaching Kitchen (CTK) located in Morgan Hall is a hands-on teaching kitchen. 

Cal Teaching CTK (CTK) Frequently Asked Questions

Who may use the CTK?

Any campus group may use the CTK, with the following conditions:

  • At least one group member must read and sign the CTK User Manual, complete the application,  and complete the self-guided training and quiz.
  • Each person using the CTK must sign the Waiver of Liability (Appendix A in the CTK User Manual) and submit it to the CTK coordinator
  • Student groups must also have at least one member who is a  ServSafe® Manager or a staff/faculty member who will be present while using the CTK.
  • The kitchen is for teaching purposes only.  All prepared food should be consumed by class participants only.  The food that is made is not allowed to be distributed elsewhere.  We are not a commercial kitchen, therefore we are not allowed to sell or donate food.

How do I apply to use the CTK?

After reviewing the CTK Calendar for availability, complete the application and include any required certificates. Apply for reservation at least 2 weeks in advance

How much does it cost to use the CTK?

The CTK is free to all Berkeley faculty, staff and students. In order to keep the CTK a free resource, however, donations of paper towels, soap and sponges are encouraged.

How many people can be in the CTK at one time?

The CTK has a maximum capacity of 18 cooks and 2 facilitators.

How do I obtain the key to the CTK?

 Contact the CTK Student Coordinator at  You will be given directions for key pick-up and drop-off.  The complete procedure is in the CTK User Manual.

How many times may our group use the CTK?

A maximum of four times per semester, assuming that all the requirements listed in the CTK User Manual have been met each time, including cleaning the CTK, proper waste disposal, and completion of the inventory/checklist.

How do we leave the CTK after use?

Please leave the CTK exactly the way you found it. See the CTK User Manual for details. A signed inventory/checklist is required for proper checkout and should be placed in the CTK mailbox once completed and signed.  Copies are in the envelope hanging on the bulletin board in the CTK.


CTK Calendar: Check calendar prior to submitting your reservation request.

CTK User Manual: Review and sign agreement form prior to using the CTK. Agreement form link on page 3.

CTK Self-Training Guide and QuizCompleted prior to using the CTK.

CTK Application: Apply to use the CTK.