Course Highlight: Nutrition in the Community

March 14, 2022

Last fall, Nutrition in the Community class  (NST 166) students created motivational social marketing campaigns to increase awareness of nutritional issues or influence positive behavior change. Their social media campaigns focused on positive changes in health behaviors or outcomes around the UC Berkeley campus. Last fall, the topic areas were:

  • More affordable and accessible food options
  • Eliminating Food Waste/Sustainable Food Practices
  • Education and Services around Healthy Eating
  • New/Proposed Changes to Food/Nutrition Policies

In groups, students signed up for one of the four topics to present their social marketing campaign to encourage healthy behavior. Once each project was complete, the class rated the presentations based on quality and potential efficacy. The following groups/presentations received the highest scores from the class for each of the topics:

More Affordable & Accessible Food - Expanding "Too Good To Go" In Alameda County
Kiana Brumand, Molecular and Cell Biology; Minor Nutritional Science

Eliminating Food Waste/Sustainable Food Practices - BearDeals
Stella Chen, Nutritional Sciences & Toxicology - Physiology & Metabolism
Riya Shrestha, Molecular & Cellular Biology
Miki Suarez-Thai, Nutritional Sciences - Dietetics
Stephanie Wang, Molecular and Cell Biology

Education & Services around Healthy Eating - SNACK (School Nutrition and Cooking for Kids)
Liesl Bogaard, Interdisciplinary Studies Field
Claire Miller, Nutritional Sciences
Julia Piccirillo-Stosser, Molecular Environmental Biology & Public Health
Sagrika Sethi, Nutritional Sciences - Physiology & Metabolism

New/Proposed Changes to Nutrition/Food Policies  - Elementary Nutrition Act
Jason Didier Arauz, Nutritional Sciences - Physiology & Metabolism
Nico Attar, Nutritional Sciences - Physiology & Metabolism
Blaise Ausmus, Business Administration; Minor Food Systems
Kyosei Nagai, Nutritional Sciences - Dietetics

Thank you to Dr. Mary Lesser for providing this information and leading NST 166.