David Moore
Professor and Chair
About David Moore
David D. Moore received his PhD degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison, followed by postdoctoral training with Howard M. Goodman at the University of California – San Francisco. He started his independent laboratory at the Massachusetts General Hospital Department of Molecular Biology and the Harvard Medical School Department of Genetics in 1981. In 1997 he moved from Boston to the Department of Molecular and Cellular Biology at Baylor College of Medicine in Houston. He joined Nutritional Sciences and Toxicology at Berkeley in 2020.
Research Description
The Moore laboratory studies the diverse functions of the nuclear hormone receptors. Dr. Moore’s early studies on nuclear receptor molecular biology and gene regulation have expanded to encompass the roles of nuclear receptors in a variety of mouse models of human disease. We have a particular focus on the roles of diverse nuclear receptors in normal and diseased liver and gut. Our areas of interest include regulation of basic metabolism and its dysregulation in the metabolic syndrome and diabetes, as well as the impact of nuclear receptors in hepatocellular carcinoma, cholestasis, fibrosis and inflammatory bowel diseases.
- PhD degree in Molecular Biology from the University of Wisconsin – Madison (1979)
Anakk S, Wtanabe M, Ochsner SA, McKenna NJ, Finegold MJ, Moore DD. Combined deletion of FXR and SHP results in juvenile onset cholestasis and induction of Cyp17A1. J. Clin. Invest. 2011; 121:86-95.
Lee JM, Lee YK, Mamrosh JL, Busby SA, Griffin PR, Pathak MC, Ortlund EA, Moore DD. A nuclear-receptor-dependent phosphatidylcholine pathway with antidiabetic effects. Nature. 2011 25;474(7352):506-10. PMID: 21614002
Anakk S, Bhosale M, Schmidt VA, Johnson RL, Finegold MJ, Moore DD. Bile Acids Activate YAP to Promote Liver Carcinogenesis. Cell Rep. 2013; 5:1060-9. PMID: 24268772
Mamrosh JL, Lee JM, Wagner M, Stambrook PJ, Whitby RJ, Sifers RN, Wu SP, Tsai MJ, Demayo FJ, Moore DD. Nuclear receptor LRH-1/NR5A2 is required and targetable for liver endoplasmic reticulum stress resolution. Elife. 2014; 3:e01694. PMID: 24737860
Lee JM, Martin Wagner M, Xiao R, Kim KH, Feng D, Lazar MA, and Moore DD. Nutrient Sensing Nuclear Receptors Coordinate Autophagy. Nature. 2014; 516(7529):112-5. PMID: 25383539
Folick A, Oakley HD, Yu Y, Armstrong EH, Kumari M, Sanor L, Moore DD, Ortlund EA, Zechner R, Wang MC. Lysosomal signaling molecules regulate longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans. Science. 2015; 347(6217):83-6. PMID: 25554789
Dong B, Lee JS, Park YY, Yang F, Xu G, Huang W, Finegold MJ, Moore DD. Activating CAR and b-catenin induces uncontrolled liver growth and tumorigenesis. Nature Commun. 2015; 6:5944. PMID: 25661872
Wooton-Kee CR, Jain AK, Wagner M, Grusak MA, Finegold MJ, Lutsenko S, Moore DD. Elevated copper impairs hepatic nuclear receptor function in Wilson's disease. J Clin Invest. 2015; 125:3449-60. PMID: 26241054
Wagner M, Choi S, Panzitt K, Mamrosh JL, Lee JM, Zaufel A, Xiao R, Wooton-Kee R, Ståhlman M, Newgard CB, Borén J, Moore DD. Liver receptor homolog-1 is a critical determinant of methyl-pool metabolism. Hepatology. 2015; 63:95-106. PMID: 26267291
Gomez-Ospina N, Potter CJ, Xiao R, Manickam K, Kim MS, Kim KH, Shneider BL, Picarsic JL, Jacobson TA, Zhang J, He W, Liu P, Knisely AS, Finegold MJ, Muzny DM, Boerwinkle E, Lupski JR, Plon SE, Gibbs RA, Eng CM, Yang Y, Washington GC, Porteus MH, Berquist WE, Kambham N, Singh RJ, Xia F, Enns GM, Moore DD. Mutations in the nuclear bile acid receptor FXR cause progressive familial intrahepatic cholestasis. Nat Commun. 2016; 7:10713. PMID: 26888176
Kettner NM, Voicu H, Finegold MJ, Coarfa C, Sreekumar A, Putluri N, Katchy CA, Lee C, Moore DD, Fu L. Circadian Homeostasis of Liver Metabolism Suppresses Hepatocarcinogenesis. Cancer Cell. 2016; 12;30:909-924. PMID: 27889186
Kim KH, Choi S, Zhou Y, Kim EY, Lee JM, Saha PK, Anakk S, Moore DD. Hepatic FXR/SHP Axis Modulates Systemic Glucose and Fatty Acid Homeostasis in Aged Mice. Hepatology. 2017; 66:498-509. PMID: 28378930
Kim KH, Choi JM, Li F, Arizpe A, Wooton-Kee CR, Anakk S, Jung SY, Finegold MJ, Moore DD. Xenobiotic Nuclear Receptor Signaling Determines Molecular Pathogenesis of Progressive Familial Intrahepatic Cholestasis. Endocrinology. 2018; 159:2435-2446. PMID: 29718219
Choi S, Dong B, Lin CJ, Heo MJ, Kim KH, Sun Z, Wagner M, Putluri N, Suh JM,Wang MC, Moore DD. Methyl-Sensing Nuclear Receptor Liver Receptor Homolog-1 Regulates Mitochondrial Function in Mouse Hepatocytes. Hepatology. 2019 71(3):1055-1069 PMID: 31355949
Zhou Y, Dong B, Kim KH, Choi S, Sun Z, Wu N, Wu Y, Scott J, Moore DD. Vitamin D Receptor Activation in Liver Macrophages Protects Against Hepatic Endoplasmic Reticulum Stress in Mice. Hepatology. 2020 71:1453-1466. PMID: 31381163
Dong B, Zhou Y, Wang W, Scott J, Kim KH, Sun Z, Guo Q, Lu Y, Gonzales NM, Wu H, Hartig S, York RB, Yang F, Moore DD. Vitamin D receptor activation in liver macrophages ameliorates hepatic inflammation, steatosis, and insulin resistance in mice. Hepatology. 2020 71:1559-1574. PMID: 31506976
Preidis GA, Soni KG, Suh JH, Halder T, Kim KH, Choi JM, Li F, Devaraj S, Conner ME, Coarfa C, Jung SY, Moore DD. Coagulopathy in Malnourished Mice Is Sexually Dimorphic and Regulated by Nutrient-Sensing Nuclear Receptors. Hepatol Commun. 2020;4(12):1835-1850, PMID: 33305154
Wooton-Kee CR, Robertson M, Zhou Y, Dong B, Sun Z, Kim KH, Liu H, Xu Y, Putluri N, Saha P, Coarfa C, Moore DD, Nuotio-Antar AM. Metabolic dysregulation in the Atp7b -/- Wilson's disease mouse model. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 2020; 117:2076-2083 PMID: 31924743
Shen T, Wang W, Zhou W, Coleman I, Cai Q, Dong B, Ittmann MM, Creighton CJ, Bian Y, Meng Y, Rowley DR, Nelson PS, Moore DD, Yang F. MAPK4 promotes prostate cancer by concerted activation of androgen receptor and AKT. J Clin Invest. 2021 131:e135465. doi: 10.1172/JCI135465. PMID: 33586682
Chen ML, Huang X, Wang H, Hegner C, Liu Y, Shang J, Eliason A, Diao H, Park H, Frey B, Wang G, Mosure SA, Solt LA, Kojetin DJ, Rodriguez-Palacios A, Schady DA, Weaver CT, Pipkin ME, Moore DD, Sundrud MS.CAR directs T cell adaptation to bile acids in the small intestine. Nature. 2021 593:147-151. PMID: 33828301
Honors and Awards
National Academy of Sciences, 2019
Recent Teaching
NST 170